Breakfast Ideas / Recipes

Arugula and Tomato Egg Muffins

Are you always eating boxed cereals for breakfast, or toast with a cup of coffee? Or maybe you’ve graduated to oatmeal, thinking this to be a much healthier choice.

Whatever you end up eating in the morning, I bet it’s pretty much always the same, day in and day out. Who has time to create a nutritious meal in the morning, when you are half asleep or again in a rush to leave for work! Right?

Well what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be complicated! There’s no need to spend hours in the kitchen to eat healthy and nutritious meals. Unless you enjoy spending hours in the kitchen, and in that case, please do. I actually do love spending time cooking when time permits and I’m in the mood to be a little creative. However, most days, I don’t have that much time, but that doesn’t mean I want to sacrifice my health in exchange. That’s not even an option for me. My health is a priority and is a none negotiable when it comes to my lifestyle choices.

So how can you eat a nutritious breakfast, filled with protein, healthy fats and fibre rich carbohydrates? What was that? Wasn’t this suppose to be simple? Actually, it is quite simple and delicious as well. These little egg muffins, when prepared ahead of time are great when you are in a hurry. The key is to have them ready for you to grab one and go. As for the protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates, I’ll keep that for another post ๐Ÿ™‚

Arugula and Tomatoes

What are in these delicious little creations? Nothing less than

  • Arugula
  • Tomatoes
  • parsley
  • Romano Cheese

For those of you who are not familiar with arugula here’s a little summary. Also known as rocket, or roquette, arugula was used in ancient Roman times as a medicinal herb and aphrodisiac. It’s now a popular herb used in Italian cuisine. We often find arugula in spring salad mixes, but it also pears nicely with cheeses and on top of cooked pizzas, due to its peppery flavor.

If you are interested in trying something a little different from your daily bowl of oatmeal, check out this amazing recipe right here. Let me know what you think. Now don’t forget to prepare these ahead of time if you want to keep it simple! The best time I’ve found for myself happens to be Sunday afternoons. This is when all my weekly cooking happens. When do you like cooking? Figure that out and make it a habit to show up every single week, no exception. That’s how staying healthy becomes simple and possible, even when everything else around you seems crazy and impossible ๐Ÿ™‚

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