For those of you who haven’t read my post ”My Journey Part 1”, I highly recommend you go back and read it before reading what I am about to share with you. It will give you a complete picture of my story, that is the journey that brought me to you.
After travelling the world, it was time to build MY life, the life I wanted. I had no idea I was about to take the road less travelled, (just like the book ”The Road Less Travelled” by Dr. M. Scott Peck, which I still highly recommend someone read if they haven’t already). Many years passed after my return, during which I did build a life for myself, where I returned to school to study theology, got married and had my first child in 2004.
We named her Emmanuelle. She was absolutely beautiful, but also very, very intense! She would always cry, and everything she did, she did with so much intensity. Well you can just imagine, being an intense mother myself, this was not a scenario that had success written all over it! I had my moments and so did she! Then came my second child. Same thing! Intense!! Third child, same thing, intense!!!
Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love my children. That is why I decided to stay home and raise my children for the next 13 years. However, we did have our moments, and they were frequent unfortunately. No need to say, one day I completely lost it and that scared me. I saw in my child’s eyes the fear, and than the sadness for being the cause, according to her, of mommy’s anger.
Why am I sharing with you this part of my story? How dare I be so vulnerable in front of you, a complete stranger to me. I dare because I want you to know that you are not alone. Moments like these are often parts of our lives that we like to forget. We often pretend they’ve never happened. However not me, because I always knew that I was meant for more. I first shared my travel adventures in Part 1 because I wanted to share with you the piece of my journey that explains why I love life so much! I allowed myself to live life fully for three full years, and now I know how beautiful it can be, and how we humans can be absolutely amazing! I allowed myself to experience a whole different reality, and I discovered that we must learn to trust in ourselves and in our journey, no matter how scary it can be at times. As for my family’s struggles with our mental wellbeing, this is the reason why I do what I now do.
Since I’ve always been an explorer at heart, and was always seeking to improve initially my own happiness, and then our happiness as a family, after lots of trial and errors, I stumbled unto food and the impact it truly had on my children’s wellbeing. This lead me to return to school to become a registered holistic nutritionist, and recently a brain health coach. I am now convinced that the food that we eat on a daily basis has an impact on our mental wellbeing and the health of our brain, which is, as I’ve mentioned before in my ”Hello World” post, the organ of our mental health. How can we expect to feel happy every single day if our brain is not getting the nutrients it needs to function optimally? Have you ever heard of the ”happy messengers” that our body produces and that our responsible for our happiness? These little guys I will explain in greater detail in another post. However for now, you just need to remember that these little guys are responsible for your mental health and happiness.
When I talk about feeding your brain, in addition to food, I also mean feeding the right thoughts and mindset it needs to create the life you desire. Oh, but it doesn’t stop there! Your lifestyle choices also impact the health of your brain, such as the quality of your sleep, the level of movement you engage in throughout the day, the level of stress you are exposed to, your relationships and your spiritual life. All of this, I truly mean all of it, influences how you feel every single day. So if you want to love your life, you need to feed your brain everything it needs so it can create for you the life you deserve.
So there it is dear readers. Now you know why I do what I do, and why I’ve called this blog ”Feed Your Brain, Love Your Life!”. You will learn throughout my posts and articles how YOU can also feed YOUR brain, so you can reach your full potential and truly learn to love life. Yes, I will be challenging you along the way to always go beyond your comfort zone, that is your present reality, because that is where lies your true potential my friend. I would like to leave you with a quote, simply because I love quotes and find them inspiring. I hope the quotes I intend to share with you along our journey together will inspire you to continue on your own personal journey to become who you are MEANT to BE.
Ask Yourself This Question Every Morning:
Will Who You Are Now Lead You To Who You Want To Be In The Future?
– Brendon Burchard –
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