
Now that you know who I am, what to expect from my blog and why I do what I do, let’s dive into the meat of what it will take to reach your true potential!

First things first! Before sharing with you what nutrients and lifestyle choices we should be considering to improve your brain health, let’s talk about mindset. When I talk about feeding your brain what it needs to thrive, I am not only talking about food. I am also talking about feeding it the right thoughts and mindset.

Your brain is an amazing organ, filled with billions of neural connections. Every day you have millions of thoughts, and each thought creates connections among these billion of neurons. Did you know that every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals and actually changes your biochemistry? That’s right! Your thoughts are more powerful than you think. They are real, and impact how you feel every single day. They also alter your brain’s biochemistry in the process! Pretty neat when you think of it. This means that you are not stuck with your brain. You can make it better.

However, it’s a vicious circle. If your brain is unhealthy, it will be difficult to have happy thoughts. The opposite is also true. If your thoughts are unhealthy, it will be difficult for your brain to create the brain chemicals responsible for your happiness. You need both, that is a healthy brain to have happy thoughts, but also a happy mindset to have a healthy brain. I thought I’d start with the mindset piece, simply because I’ve always found this to be the most difficult part of the equation due to my very busy monkey brain, that can be all over the place if I am not paying attention.

So the first step in having a healthy brain is to learn how to manage our thoughts. That is to alter them from negative to positive, from having a monkey brain, that jumps from one thought to the next without us even being aware of it, to starting to pay more attention to our thoughts. There are many ways to do this. Some learn how to meditate, which helps to increase awareness of our thoughts. I’ve come to find this to be very helpful. However, another way is to deliberately increase our positive thoughts, with affirmations and/or visualization, and this is what I suggest you start doing with the One Page Miracle.

The One Page Miracle is a tool that was named by Dr. Daniel Amen, an internationally acclaimed child and family psychiatrist and brain health expert. He designed this tool to help his clients create the life they desired. The idea is to write down in the present tense, as if it is already yours, what you desire in different areas of your life, such as your relationships, your work or school life, your finances, and your health and mental wellbeing. It’s about letting your brain help you design your life. Your brain is responsible for creating your reality. Tell it what you want so it can help you design your life and reach your true potential.

Every morning, read out loud your One Page Miracle and it will help you match your behavior to get it! Next to each heading and subheading of this tool, briefly write out what’s important to you in that area; write what you want, not what you don’t want. Write with confidence and the expectation that it is already a part of your life. For example, you can say, ”Every day I am full of energy”! After you’ve completed this exercise, put it up where you can see and read it every single day, and let the miracles begin!

”You want to become aware of your thoughts and choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is you ”.

– Dr. Joe Vitale

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