Nutritious Snacks / Recipes

Raspberry Avocado Ice Cream

With summer just around the corner, ice cream becomes a popular desert request in our household. My kids love ice cream, but I refuse to buy the crap that we find in all the grocery stores, which are filled with chemicals, sugar and food coloring. So what is a mother to do faced with children pleading for some delicious sweet and cold summer treats? What else but make my own ice cream!

Making ice cream has been a part of our family tradition for many years already. We first started making our own ice cream when we bought our ice cream maker about 10 years ago. If you haven’t yet tried making your own with one of these, I highly recommend you do. You can find them at Costco and they are well worth the investment!

However, if you can not afford one of these, don’t have the room to store it, or simply prefer not owning one, you can still create your own ice cream from scratch. All you need is a search engine and Google. Seriously, there are so many recipes out there that you could literally try a new recipe every week for the whole summer! For the sake of today’s post though, I would like to share with you one of my all time favorites, which is rich in health fats and fiber, and low in sugar. What else do you need for a healthy brain? Oh, maybe some protein would be nice, but you can always add some after the fact, as a topper if you want to increase its nutrient content ๐Ÿ™‚

Raspberries & Avocado

As a started, let’s look at what you will need to create this amazing treat. Actually, the only four ingredients you are required to have in your kitchen before starting your creation are:

  • Frozen raspberries
  • Avocados
  • Frozen bananas
  • Full fat organic coconut milk (or cream) from that can

That’s it, in addition to 1 tbl spoon of maple syrup. Avocados and full fat coconut milk make this treat rich in healthy fats, that your brain needs for optimal performance. As for the raspberries, they provide you with fiber and are super rich in antioxidants, while low in sugar. You want to always make sure you keep your sugar intake as low as possible to protect not only your blood sugar levels, but also your brain. You brain doe not thrive on simply sugars. Although glucose is its main source of fuel, for it to be healthy and beneficial for your brain’s long term performance, it needs to be a slow releasing form of glucose, which is only possible when there is the presence of fiber. That’s why it’s always better to eat the fruit, rather than drink its juice, which has very little fiber.

Juicy ice cream with fresh berry fruits

All you have to do is combine all four ingredients in a food processor or blender and voilร ! You’ve got yourself a delicious and nutritious treat for the summer months ahead right here. You can even make popsicles by adding some full fat natural yougourt. So will you try it? Have I made it simple enough for you? Now, all you need to do is make sure you’ve got these four ingredients in your kitchen every week, in case you find yourself at the grocery store with your children, and they are pleading you for some of the crap that is out there. All you will have to do is say: let’s go home and make our own!

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