I don’t know about you, but I sure had a different summer this year. Everything about it was different; no end of the school year celebrations, no kids playing freely outside, no day camps, no kids playing soccer in the numerous soccer fields around our neighborhood, shopping malls closed or half empty, even campgrounds were half empty. It was a vary strange summer indeed!
However, what I’ve come to realize in life is that no dwelling on what’s missing changes anything. It actually makes us see more of what’s missing! There’s a saying that goes like this:
”Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
– Margaret Wolfe Hungerford –
I used to think that this quote only referred to someone’s physical beauty, but it actually means so much more! We can either decide to focus on what’s lacking in our lives, on who’s doing what that we don’t agree with, or on all the negative news that bombards us with fear and anxiety these days. Or, we can decide to focus on all the abundance that surrounds us everyday, on who’s doing amazing things in this world at this very moment, and on all the positive changes that are taking place that feels us up with hope and peace. It’s a CHOICE!
This summer we didn’t do much because of the circumstances but we did decide to take on a new adventure we had never taken on before as a family. Yep! We chose an experience that was not a comfortable experience for some of us, that required cooperation, endurance, supporting one another when it was tough, and not giving up! We decided to go camping with nothing else but what we could carry on our backs! I will not pretend it was easy. It WASN’T, but we survived and made it work!
Going Deep Into The Woods Setting Up Camp A Fire To Keep Us Warm
Yes the choice is ours to focus our energy on creating a world filled with division, hatred and judgment of others who don’t hold the same beliefs as ours. Or we can focus our energy on creating a world filled with compassion for others, on cooperation and building communities that promote unity of the human race. I think we are called towards something greater but it’s our CHOICE, if we want to take the leap towards a greatly unknown, or remain with what feels familiar, safe and comfortable.
My whole life I’ve always been drawn towards the unknown. It has always fascinated me! I absolutely love taking on new adventures. This is also what I teach my children. I don’t want them to ever fear the unknown, because I know from experience, that life has SO MUCH to offer. However there is no way of knowing this if we stay where we are and don’t explore beyond our comfort zones.
This is all we had to cook breakfast for the five of us! Packing in the morning for another day of hiking.
It’s all about patience and trusting we will meet the challenge with courage and determination. I hope this is what my children learned with this experience and every challenge I invite them to take on. Life is full of new adventures just waiting for us to say YES!
With everything that has happened since March 2020 and with everything we see and hear about in the news, I invite you to meet it with determination that you will make this situation work for you, instead of sitting back and watching it unfold. You are the creator of your life. This is a deep truth not everyone wants or is ready to face. No matter what is going on around you, you can decide that it is all happening FOR you rather than TO you.
The best way for you to uncover what it is that the universe is trying to tell you, or where you are called to go or who it is you are called to be, is to practice silence. I’ve come to understand throughout the years that this can be done in so many ways. Some may call it prayer, others meditation, or again for some it may be mindfullness. No matter what your beliefs are, silence is required to hear what is going on inside of you. Throughout my life I’ve learned to listen and pay attention to what my mind and body are trying to tell me. This has helped me numerous times make the best decision for myself at any given time. However you need silence for this and trust. Trust that everything WILL work out and that you WILL be able to meet the challenge!
”Life happens FOR you rather than TO you”
– Tony robbins –
I invite you to ask yourself the following questions:
- How can you make this present situation work FOR you?
- What new adventure is waiting for you to say YES?
- What is the universe trying to tell you or teach you right now?
- When you are sitting still, meditating, praying or practicing mindfulness, what is your body and mind trying to tell you?
Listen for the answers. What do you hear? What do you see? If you’ve never done this before, I encourage you to listen to the peace within. Peace is where you will find the answer. I realize all of this may seem fuzzy and unclear, but I promise I intend to cover this topic in much more depth in future blog posts.
So I leave you with these two questions. What DO you see and hear? And how do you choose to meet the challenge? You are FREE to create YOUR life or simply watch everything unfold in front of you. You get to decide ๐
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